Monday, January 12, 2009


So I'm supposed to be writing a rhetorical analysis but I find my thesis much more entertaining to think about. I was trying to think of how I would research the link between pets and culture. Most of y'all are conducting interviews but I can't really go up and ask people "why do you dress up your dog?" I think as a starting point I should see how far back this trend exists. I'm pretty excited because I've realized that I'll get to incorporate some philosophy about how the human mind works and why humans need to feel in control. I really don't know how this is going to affect the complexity but I think it is something I should look into. I was also thinking about how people say "you look like your pet." Is there really a link between pets and their owners? Do potential pet owners actually seek out an animal that reminds the owner of his or her self? Pretty weird to think about. So now I actually need to start writing that analysis...


Sarabrent said...

You could find out what kinds of people dress up their dogs (older, younger, single, married, parents, etc...). Obviously, there are probably all sorts of people who dress up pets, but there's probably a norm, right?

Also, it might be meat to see how a person's "pet history" effects their "pet future". Maybe that would help with the link between pet and owner?